It’s not unusual for most homeowners to completely forget about their HVAC system unless it’s the end of fall or the start of summer. During those two temperature shifts, many homeowners are silently hoping their HVAC unit starts up. Whether you have an aging system, inconsistent temperatures, or you’ve neglected regular maintenance, you might be wondering when it’s time to replace your heating and cooling system.
As your HVAC equipment ages, it becomes less efficient. Unfortunately, that’s just a cold, hard fact. And, as inefficiency increases, you’ll notice rising energy costs and utility bills. If you have an older HVAC system, you could reduce your bills substantially by investing in a new system, one that offers higher energy efficiency.
One of the first signs that you need a new heating and cooling system is uneven temperatures. If your current system isn’t up to the task of maintaining comfortable temperatures in your home, you’ll likely want to discuss installing a new unit. While it’s usually possible to keep your system running and get a few more years out of it, older units do tend to struggle as time goes on.
Many homeowners notice when their HVAC system seems to turn on, then off, then on, then off, then on, then off. If this is happening constantly, it’s not just taxing on your furnace and AC unit, it’s a sign that something isn’t right. Installing a newer, more efficient unit can deliver lower utility bills, less frequent repairs, and better temperature regulation.
In most cases, a good HVAC system will last twenty years. Of course, with proper maintenance and upkeep, it could last longer. But, if your system is older than that, it’s best to keep a close eye on the above warning signs. And, naturally, if you have any questions, you should call a professional HVAC technician.
If you’re on the fence about whether or not it’s time to replace your HVAC system, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at R.W. LaPine. As Kalamazoo’s go-to HVAC company, we have years of experience and a full team that can make sure your system’s working properly.
And, in the event that your equipment does need assistance, we can provide you with an estimated repair cost or, if necessary, a full replacement cost. So, if your air conditioner is making weird noises, your furnace isn’t keeping your home warm, or you’re just concerned about the state of your HVAC system, contact us today to schedule an inspection.
622 Langley Ave, Suite 5
St. Joseph, MI 49085